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Community 4.0b - Share search permission bug

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I noticed an interesting bug related to search and permissions in Alfresco community 4.0b. Same thing works in enterprise 3.4.5 just perfectly - so it would be great to have it working in 4 also 😄

How to setup:

1) Log into share as admin

2) create new user demo

3) In share go to the repository view

4) Create new folder test

5) Manage permissions to the folder

6) check that permissions are not inherited

7) add new user demo into folder with any role: Consumer, Editor etc.

😎 Add content with name SECRETSANTA to the folder

9) Log out

10) log in with demo

11) search SECRETSANTA in repository

12) Profit!

If you are using 3.4.5 enterprise, then SECRETSANTA is found as it should be.

If you are using 4.0b - it is not found.

Tested on OS X.

If someone could confirm on other platforms, I would appreciate.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Am I the only one seeing this problem?

What could I do?

I did few screen captures to show the issue as Alfresco guys were not able to reproduce the issue.

Last one of those is the success example on Enterprise 3.4.5. This is what I would like to see and expect to see.

But different combinations fail:

Community 4.0b on os x. See video:

Enterprise 4 beta 2 on linux with Firefox:

Enterprise 4 beta 2 on linux server but on OS X chrome browser:

So enterprise betas fail differently, already on when trying to manage permissions in the repository.

Cause for problems is NOT ( should not be ) browser cache, as I did clean explicitly browser cache between changing from one system to another.

But if guys at Alfresco are not seeing these - are they testing already newer codelines? Or should I try once more on windows machine to see that this is just not my imagination 😄

Could anyone else comment on whether they see the same?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Tested also Enterprise 4 beta 2 on my windows 7 machine, similar failure in manage permissions in repository as with OS X and with linux vm.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
I was able to duplicate the search issue on Enterprise 4.0 beta 1. When I create a folder with permissions explicitly assigned to only one user, that folder does not show up in searches performed by that user. I updated the JIRA issue, and will discuss it with Derek and David before I re-open the bug.

I am not able to reproduce your issue where you manage permissions and cannot add a user to a content item.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Works in the nightly build.
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