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Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi all,

Has anyone ever heard about the qsvc object available in javascript and how is it created? What do you if Alfresco won't start because of bad content? - this something you don't find in the any training manuals or causes

I attempted the Engineering certification on the 25th of February this year and fell short with 2% i.e one question?

I have attended the Essentials Developer training and have using wikis for studying since I need to go back there next week. If someone has some pointers, advice, sample question or anything that might help, please feel free to help. My email is or just reply to the this post.

Anything you have to offer will be appreciated

Kind regards


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mduduzi,
I am new to alfresco and i am playing with alfresco from last two months now i am planning to take certification.
As you have some experiance in this can you share your views and some tutorials regarding certification.

Thanks in advance,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
One quiz I found a while back, I'm not sure how trustworthy it is.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
The ACE(alfresco certified engineering) is not a fundamentals certificate like documentum proven profesional. I have been doing some work for about a year and still find that exam challenging. My suggestion is to take your find training material or attend the training offered by Alfresco and really practice because the exam itself is detailed not just an overview. The practice questions provided by Alfresco are just an eye-opener, nothing more.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thaks for the quick reply.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I can confirm from our side. Alfresco exams are challenging and ACE badges are well deserved on those who have them.