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Categories Problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Have a problem with the categories. I accidently deleted them all and when I try to create a new one I get the following error message

Please correct the errors below then click New Category.

    * A system error happened during the operation: Index has no root node. Check that the correct index locations are being used.

I know it's from my own stupidity but how can I fix this?

Many thanks


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The items may be in the deleted content store which means you could use the Java APIs to restore the items. However, if you haven't created any custom categories, then one possible solution is this - but it may be tricky:
. Create a new clean alfresco instance on another machine (or the same machine if you brave and are ok with configuring the DB/alf_data config…)
. As admin user, perform a Full Repository Export from the Admin Console. This creates a bunch of files including <yourexportname>_spaces.acp which contains the structure of the 'spaces' store which as well as all the usual stuff contains such as Company Home space and a hidden system folder with the categories in it.
. Hand edit the XML file to remove all the structure except for the categories.
. Use the Import Export cmd line tools to import the modified ACP - note that you will need to use the -uuidBinding cmd line param of "REPLACE_EXISTING" or "UPDATE_EXISTING" i'm not sure which.

I suggest you try this on a backup. I haven't tried this myself "but in theory" it should work.

Hope this helps,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Kevin,
many thanks for the reply. In the end I just renamed the alfresco folder and re-installed. I didn't have much done to it as I'm just getting to grips with it at the moment.