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Casestudy implementation for Alfresco and CMIS

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

I am very new to enterprise conent management concepts.

I would like to do a small hands or a case study before we embark on the full fledged thing.
My work will be mainly on the client side so i would like to get more experience in consuming server content.

For that i needed to get some experience on CMIS apis and their consumption.

I plan to develop a plain eclipse based client for the server. I would like to see the content in Eclipse RCP app.Kind of what alfresco explorer does.

I dont wan't install an alfresco server for myself as i would not work on the server side .How can i use an alfresco server for my case study. Should i use the public alfresco server or the cloud based alfresco server.
Please pardon if my questions look like novice ones.

Also please provide suggestions on my case study.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I progressed like this

feeling much more enlightened after 4 hrs of CMIS and Alfresco exploration Smiley Happy

My query of getting a server got resolved by accessing the public cmis alfresco server which is available at

I also downloaded the CMIS installer for windows and have setup the alfresco server locally.

Both the servers can be connected with my java client (using Apache Chemisty libs).
Only thing is my local alfresco server could not be accessed from outside (I am working on that).

One more option is to get a free trial from the alfresco cloud.
