11-07-2024 11:39 PM
Hi folks,
I am referring to this project "https://github.com/aborroy/alf-tengine-ocr", the example being shown is in the context of docker but as per the developer it is possible to implement it in the zip installation as well. We have an old version running successful in alfresco 6.2, but that implementation method does not work here, someone please give some clues so that we would be able to implement it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
11-08-2024 02:12 AM
Just follow the steps described in https://github.com/aborroy/alf-tengine-ocr/blob/master/ats-transformer-ocr/Dockerfile for installation.
And find configuration settings in:
11-11-2024 04:04 AM
Thanks a lot for the valuable tips, we did it. We did not have any experience with docker so we were kinda reluctant to use it, but at last learned it and things became clear, the rest was easy.
In fact what we did is, we took your public image (angelborroy/alfresco-tengine-ocr:1.0.0) and run with 9090:8090 and added "localTransform.ocr.url=http://localhost:9090" in AGP, it worked right away, did not have to do the configurations you mentioned, so I would like to know whether it is OK what we followed ?
Thanks in abundance for giving a slice of your valuable time,
11-08-2024 02:35 AM
Thanks for the quick reply, I fear I was not able to convey the fact that we are trying to get that working in a ZIP based installation not a docker installation.
We have installed the "ocr-share-action-1.0.0.amp" in the share.war and we are able to set the folder rules as well, did the configurations in the global.properties too. I guess this is sufficient ? But no action is being taken on the file, I see no log trace as well.
This is my scenario, kindly enlighten us.
11-11-2024 08:31 AM - edited 11-11-2024 08:45 AM
First of all open http://localhost:9090. Did you see this page?
If so, you can step ahead.
Second, did yo install the amp module into the alfresco.war? Check it. There are a lot of the way to check it. Look at startup log, look into system content store or use the alfresco-mmt.jar utility. (edited) Sorry, there is jar module 'embed-metadata-action-1.0.0.jar' must be installed into alfresco and nothing in share.
Third, did you install the amp module into the share.war? Check it. (edited) Skip it.
Next make sure alfresco repo have got property 'localTransform.ocr.url=http://transform-ocr:9090/'. What did you mean under "AGP"? Is it "alfresco-global.properties"? Did you restart alfresco to apply the property?
Check your folder rule. Does it looks like this:
Good luck!
11-11-2024 08:42 AM
Thanks for the time, I was actually successful in it and these messages and the one I posted below your reply were just expression of gratitude only.
Everything works now, thanks to everyone who took interest in our case
AGP is Alfresco global properties.
I did not follow (did I unknowingly) mr angel's instructions verbatim, but it worked so i doubted a little this might not be the proper method and may have some unforeseen consequences.
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