Hello everyone. I'm trying to install record management in my Alfresco Community 4.2c but seems like i can't.
Searching in the help for Alfresco 4.2, i've found the download link for alfresco-rm-2.1.0-467.amp but seems like i can't download it unless i'm enterprise customer. Then i've tried to download an older version of record management, alfresco-rm-2.0.1-147.amp but i can't install the share amp.
I've used the command
C:\Alfresco\bin>java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install ..//amps_share/alfresco-rm-share-2.0.1-147.amp ..//tomcat/webapps/share.war
and console has shown me this error
09070000 ERROR: The amp will overwrite an existing file in the war '/components/
form/date-min.js'. Execution halted. By specifying -force , you can force insta
llation of AMP regardless of the current war state.
I've checked paths and files name and they are correct.
I've tried to force installation but after that i wasn't able to log into alfresco share anymore.
Does anyone know anything about this issue or how to download the latest amp for record management?
Thanks a lot!