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Workflows para grupos de usuarios

Buenas, he estado revisando los workfows de alfresco, y veo que cuando creas un workflow avanzado y seleccionas un "aprovador" solamente te muestra una lista con todos los usuarios, pero no con los grupos de usuarios, como podria hacer para que tambi...

giorgio by Champ in-the-making
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How can i assign a workflow to multiple assignees ?

I have tried to assign a workflow to multiple assignees, and it is successful in Alfresco Explorer, but when i want to do this in alfresco share, it failed.I have change the singleSelectMode in workflow.js to false, and it can select multiple assigne...

interface SHARE / ALFRESCO : création de site

Bonjour, Je me permet de poser ma question a cet endroit car il parle du share .j'ai remarqué que lorsque l'on crée un site ou un contenu sur l'interface Alfresco  celui ci n'est pas visible sur share

shaman by Champ in-the-making
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copy contents between 2 Alfresco servers

Hi, How can I copy a content from a repository from an Alfresco Server  installed to an other repository on an other Alfresco Server?Is it possible via web services? Can you help me?I want programmatically do it.Thanks

Unable to restart Alfresco using Tomcat manager

Hi people, I have a development environment with a Tomcat installation that may go through dozens of server startup/shutdown cycles and the server startup times made quite painful. So I am looking for a solution. After reading some documentation abou...

amenel by Champ in-the-making
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Which SVN revision does Labs 3.0 Final correspond to?

I need to undo some changes that prevent Wiki integration from working. There's no separate branch for Labs 3.0 Final, but there has to be a revision at which it was declared final. Could someone share the revision # so that I could sync back to it?T...

plexi by Champ in-the-making
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Searching within a specified space

Hi, Is it possible to configure the system to only search within a specified space, such as "Published"? I know this is an option in the Advanced Search but I want to set it so that users can only search in the "Published" space. Thanks, supr

supr by Champ in-the-making
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Configurar conexión con sql server 2005

hola he seguido distintos manuales para configurar alfresco con sql server y no he conseguido que arranque, ni que cree las tablas.estos son los ficheros de configuracion y log.################################# Common Alfresco Properties ############...

dfrison by Champ in-the-making
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#include directive

I can't, for the life of me, get the #include directive to work within a freemarker "Presentation Template"Does anyone know if it is supported or what the "file name" is supposed to look like.  I have tried as many configurations of the filename that...

nyronian by Champ in-the-making
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