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Building queries with cmislib

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm connecting to my Alfresco repository through the Python cmislib API.  The functionality is fantastic.

But when I try to query the database, I'm stuck using only basic queries. 

This works fine:

repo.query("select * from cmis:document WHERE CONTAINS('some text')")

So if I try to do a FTS for a specific element tag or use any extension queries, the code fails.  Is it possible to do an xpath search through the cmislib API? Or is there another method to find specific xml/dita elements within my content repository?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Glad you are enjoying cmislib. The library only supports the CMIS Query Language syntax as defined by the CMIS specification. So you won't be able to do anything outside of that, such as an xpath search. If you are having trouble with CMIS Query Language queries not working you can post the specific queries here and I'll try to help.
