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Forum Posts

Erreur pendant le boostrap alfresco 3.2r + postgresql

Bonjour,J'ai installer Alfresco 3.2r + Postgres sous windows XP.j'ai suivi pas à pas les étapes du lien: pendant le premier démarrage j'ai l'erreur suivante:Caused by: com.i...

Query retrives the deleted contents

Hi all,I have written the query that will populate the nodes according to its created dates. var qdate = "@cm\\:created:["+ tdate + " TO "+ fdate +"]‍Now the problem is, the above query populates also the deleted nodes. So that If I iterate the nodes...

jeyaa by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to sort on tokenized field.

HiI want to sort on a tokenized field due to this sorting is not working properly. And I don't want to make this field untokenized. How can i solve this problem.Please anyone help me.Thanks,Nitin

Albero delle categorie su Share

Salve, vorrei poter visualizzare su interfaccia Share l'albero delle categorie nella barra laterale di sinistra, così come avviene nell'interfaccia Alfresco Explorer.E' possibile farlo oppure non c'è speranza?

othlen by Champ in-the-making
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Eclipse plugin Update Site Forbidden Access

Hello, I am using eclipse helios and when tried to get the activiti designer plugin "" I got an "Access Forbidden" reply from the activiti server.How can I get the plugin?Thank you very much in advance.Best Regards....


Bonjour à tous.J'ai installé la version 3.4b sur 2 machines vierges:  Fedora 13  alfresco 3.4b out the box  win 2003    alfresco 3.4b out the box Aucun paramétrage personnel, Station de travail Win xp sp3 + word 2007Accès navigateur ie  ok, création ...

Change Type in Alfresco Share

Ciao,sto provando a estendere alfresco 3.3g.Ho creato il mio modello inserendoci dei tipi nuovi di content e ho fatto in modo che si vedessero anche nel Change type di Share.Quando in Share creo il content e poi gli assegno un tipo tutto ok, ma quand...

marty_087 by Champ in-the-making
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Aspect und Association

Hallo zusammen ,kann jemand bitte hier auf Deutsch erklären, wofür braucht man Aspect und Association.Vielen Dank

Deploy from workflow console - does it work?

Dear fellow AlfrescoersI'm in the midst of configuring my team's Alfresco community system (3.4b). In particular I'm interested in customising workflows. I note the console allows deployment of workflows without server restart. However, this does not...

ph73nt by Champ in-the-making
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Listen to generic events

Hey guys.The Event Bus didn't made it into Activiti, now I ask myself: How can I register generically for a certain event, not dependant to a specific instace. For example: "Call this Listener evey time any process instance ends". Or "every time I en...