I was hoping that Alfresco could replace the jackrabbit default CMS on Jboss portal, but after trying for two days to get Alfresco working in any state on Jboss portal I'm going to have to look at another product, or implement the layers we need on top of the basic jackrabbit support in Jboss portal.
I've tried using 2.1 with Jboss portal, I've tried building the head source with Jboss portal, I've tried building 2.0 (574) as specified in the Wiki with Jboss portal, and all I get is a variety of deployment errors that are an impossibility for a newbie to rectify. I generally expect things to work on a fresh install, and I can't say I'm not dissapointed that I can't even get Alfresco to work, let alone test and evaluate.
Looking through some of the support requests for Jboss portal, few are answered or acknowledged. Considering Alfresco's tie-in with Liferay portal, I wonder if Jboss portal support is being intentionally withheld to ensure greater usage of Liferay + Alfresco. Just a thought?