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Struggling with standalone H2 database

I am trying to get the standalone H2 working with Activiti engine, but I keep getting the below error when executing a BPMN example from EclipseEVERE: Error while closing command contextorg.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error ope...

praveenr by Champ in-the-making
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wiki rich content on alfresco 5.0.a

hi …do some one know how to add wiki-rich-content addon on alfresco 5.0.a get the error below when runing ./  cd /opt/alfresco/bin/./  09130000 The module (Wiki Rich Co...

csyeow by Champ in-the-making
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Dynamic search Facet

I have a requirement where the user can filter search results by custom aspect properties. For instance, using Facet, when the user select "Invoice" he will get only filters associated to invoice properties.Thanks in advance.

ebuild by Champ on-the-rise
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Postgresql doesn`t start anymore

Hi,First I was not able to shut down postgresql by the script restart anymore.Then I stopped successfully postgresql manually by pg_ctl stop -m i (first I tried pg_ctl stop -m f , but this didn`t help)But in the postgresql.log I got: FATA...

thk by Champ on-the-rise
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activiti explorer model deploy

Hey,I want to create the model with activiti modeler, and then deploy it via rest services. Activiti explorer is using a converter to convert the json modeler format into a bpmn and then it  creates a deployment and uploads the bpmn xml file, no?Wher...

marian88 by Champ in-the-making
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Install Alfresco Community 5.0d with SQL Server

Hi,I have few questions regarding SQL Server Configuration with & Alfresco Installation.1) Is SQL Server 2014 supported by Alfresco 5.0d Community edition?2) Can we configure SQL Server during Alfresco 5.0d Community edition Installation itself?3) I ...

mohit1110 by Champ in-the-making
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Database configuration problem

Hi there,I'm trying to configure activiti to use PostgreSQL. I have Postgres running on a remote server at port 5432. I copy pasted the 3 db creation scripts into PgAdmin and ran them on a database named "activiti". I'm getting a long list of excepti...

How to get ProcessDefinitionId from a programmatic deployment?

Hi!I am trying to understand versioning and process definition Ids.I have a JUnit test case that builds a BpmnModel and deploys it twice.  I see the process definition Id is in this's "id" + ":"+ version + ":" + <strong>some other n...

jwestra by Champ in-the-making
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