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Forum Posts

To invoke a method Expression

Hi,I am trying to invoke a method Expression. But I am not able to call the method from the Delegate. And its giving : org.activiti.engine.ActivitiIllegalArgumentException: Field definition uses unexisting field 'testService' on class com.activiti.te...

abhilashs by Champ in-the-making
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how to configure items per page value in properties file

Hi,how to configure items per page value dynamically(preferably in the properties file).presently 50 is hard coded in the respective js files.Do we need to do any customization to set this value in properties?if yes how to do the customization?using ...

chaituu by Champ in-the-making
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Filling the form fields by values from external system.

Let's say I have prepared bpmn20.xml file with process, where one of tasks has defined simple form, so In the Eclipse designer in the properties of the task in "Form" section I added few textfields in the form. Then I upload this deployment to Activi...

mutcha by Champ in-the-making
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Execute custom code on login

I am looking for information about executing custom code on successful login to share. I am using Alfresco version 5.0.d. I have reviewed documentation about Custom Actions at

Custom Call activity behavior

Instead of defining as input parameters in Call Activity, is there a way to add all the parent process variables to subprocess using execution listener ?At runtime there might be a new variable created in parent process and want to send even the new ...

drk02981 by Champ in-the-making
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ERROR [extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-80-2]

Olá, ja revirei o forum, mas não achei nada parecido com o erro que estou enfrentando:2015-08-24 08:02:45,623  INFO  [] [http-80-2] Successfully retrieved license information from Alfresco. 2015-08-24 08:03:07,274  ERROR [e...

Relação entre duas pastas/ficheiros - Alfresco

Estou a ler o livro AlfrescoCMIS e este refere a criação de uma relação entre duas pastas no Alfresco. Corri o código e não entendi o que é, de facto, essa relação. Alguém me pode ajudar a perceber o que são relações entre pastas e ficheiros?Obrigado...

Pasta de arquivos html do Alfresco

Boa tarde pessoal,Estou conhecendo o Alfresco e preciso configurar uma página web dentro do mesmo servidor.Já tentei configurar o virtual host, sem sucesso.Gostaria de saber o caminho para a pasta onde ficam os arquivos html do Alfresco, ou uma pasta...

sadao by Champ in-the-making
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Installazione Alfresco su istanza Tomcat preesistente

Buonasera a tutti!Nuovissimo utente del forum e di Alfresco!Vorrei installare la community edition su una VM amazon aws ec2, sulla quale ho già precedentemente installato una istanza tomcat 7 e mysql 5.5, oltre a java e mysql-connector-java.noarch.At...