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View in CIFS / View in Webdav

Short report of my tests with "View in CIFS" / "View in Webdav". Questions:- has anybod seen sa similar behaviour?- are (some of) these errors due to configuration faults?- or is it someting else?Alfresco server: enterprise 1.1.2NTLM Authentication o...

omegerard by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai configuré Alfresco 1.4 en NTLM, et cela fonctionne...

Bonjour,J'ai configuré Alfresco 1.4 en NTLM, et cela fonctionne très bien avec firefox plus besoin de mettre mon user et mot de passe, Nickel !!Mais sous IE 6 ou IE 7 cela ne fonctionne pas, j'ai toujours le même message :java.lang.NullPointerExcepti...

kleido1313 by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai des problèmes avec l'import des USER et GROUP...

Bonjour,J'ai des problèmes avec l'import des USER et GROUP à partir de LDAP (active directory)Alors que j'avais bien réussi à le faire fonctionner, j'ai à présent un erreur lors du démarrage d'Alfresco (1.4 community et/ou enterprise).10:26:10,724 IN...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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accessing all users in java class

Hi,Can anyone please point me in the right direction. I am trying to access a list of all the users in the system.I wish to do this in my java class. I am thinking the UsersBean might be helpful but would appreciate some pointers or a snippet of code...

chuck by Champ in-the-making
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2.0a Preview - Press Release Error

I downloaded and installed 2.0 preview a few days ago and started going through WCM_BETA_Eval_Guide.pdf (which is a great guide, by the way).  I got as far as Creating New Web Content: Press Releases page 34...

mstralka by Champ in-the-making
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Default Alfresco Portlets for LifeRay? (Newb question)

Hello all,Does Alfresco come with a set of default portlets? I looked at the Alfresco/JBoss Portal bundle and saw a few Alfresco portlets. Are those custom portlets for that specific bundle? Can I use the dashboard/etc in other portals?I'm trying to ...

mdbhokie by Champ in-the-making
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BonjourLa synchronisation LDAP et AD marche correctement....

BonjourLa synchronisation LDAP et AD marche correctement. J arrive egalement a forcer une home directory donnee pour un user. Ainsi tous les users vont dans le repertoire TOTO.Cependant Alfresco persiste a creer inutilement une homefolder au nom de l...

twinsen by Champ in-the-making
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attach file in XSD

Does somebody knows how can we represent attached files in XSD schema?

princess by Champ in-the-making
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WCM Documentation

I am trying to evaluate the WCM preview and am having difficulty finding any documentation.  Is there an evaluation guide or some other documentation available?  I have not been able to locate anything so far.  Here is what I think would be helpful. ...

sgottlieb by Champ in-the-making
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