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Forum Posts

Implementig a Wiki in Alfreso

Hello,I have just put up a test server with Alfresco to analyze its capabilities as CMS (just yesterday so I do not have much feedback jet). It would be for a small company, just 6 employees. We would also would like to set up a wiki to put together ...

alberto by Champ in-the-making
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Is a Web Script the answer?

Hi,I'm totally 100% new to Alfresco. I have some training as a Java developer. What I need is something to grab the physical location of a file, and all of it's details and meta data and send that information off to an external application. That exte...

ndtreviv by Champ in-the-making
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[RESOLU]Dans script utilisation fonction length

Bonjour,Dans un script j'ai besoin de connaitre le nombre de caractère du chaine.function convertirDate(dateAConvertir){   logger.log("################ Fonction convertir date");   var y=dateAConvertir.getFullYear();    var M=dateAConvertir.getMonth(...

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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CAS et Webdav / LDAP

Bonjour,J'ai mis en place le mécanisme d'authentification unique avec CAS comme expliqué dans le wiki :'authentification_unique_avec_CASCa fonctionne correctement … en interface Web.Je souhaite ma...

pierrick by Champ in-the-making
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info on a fixed bug

Hi everybody.I see that in alfresco community version 2.1.0 there is the following bug: putContent method in the org.alfresco.webservice.util.ContentUtils class fails to upload *.java, *.txt, *.xml/html files ok with *.doc,*.pdf, *.jpg, *.zip.It is f...

alestudent by Champ in-the-making
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can't deploy alfresco-tomcat-2.0

can't deploy alfresco-tomcat-2.0.  errors as follows:16:12:03,673 INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script: C:\Documents and Settings\tom\Desktop\alfresco-tomcat-2.0.0\tomcat\temp\Alfresco\AlfrescoSchemaCreate-org.hibernate.dia...

Getting content from the WCM

Hi, is there possible this ?I have Server A (S1) with instaled jboss + alfresco + alfresco virtual tomcat. This is located in net I would like to deploy WCM content (live web application) to the productive server on the net 88.8X.XXX.XXX. B...

mvlach by Champ in-the-making
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Could Not Delete in Manage Deleted Items

Hi,I can't seem to delete items from the "Manage Deleted Items" page using Alfresco 2.1.Below I will post the error described in the log file.  It would be great if someone could help!Thanks,Troy.13:33:37,364 ERROR [org.alfresco.web.ui.common.Utils] ...

theland by Champ in-the-making
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Creation date

Hi,When importing a lot of documents in Alfresco, it may be desirable to read the "creation date" property from the file metadata. A concrete example is the MS Office files that contain this information. The corresponding metadata extracter does the ...

dschmalz by Champ in-the-making
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