03-18-2008 09:15 AM
03-19-2008 03:40 AM
03-19-2008 01:34 PM
throws the exception describing that space is not an object. 03-20-2008 07:32 AM
Unfortunately I have no experience with the Spring framework, which I think is getting me down. Also, the more I try and get my head around stuff the more confused I get.
For example, I've tried writing my own Web Script. It all works perfectly until I add a js file, when it stops working. I don't understand how the js file and the tpl relate to each other at all. Normally we'd stick js either in an external file or in with the display information, therefore blurring the lines between js and tpl. How does the script relate to the template in real-time with this system?
I'm guessing that the web script needs to run in context of the full application, so viewing my web script directly as suggested in http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Web_Scripts#Invoking_a_Web_Script is useless because it doesn't work.
The How-To on that site does look good - I'm guessing you mean this one: http://www.ecmarchitect.com/images/articles/alfresco-actions/actions-article.pdf except that - as it admits - it doesn't really do a lot more than the built-in move, and on top of that it doesn't really explain the objects it's using, such as the magical nodeService object…?
03-21-2008 09:51 AM
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