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Maintenance du SVN

Bonjour,Cette annonce ne va pas concerner tout le monde, mais elle évitera que je reçoive trop de messages Le serveur qui supporte (entre autres) le repository SVN va être hors ligne dans les prochains jours, et sera de retour en tout début de semain...

michaelh by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco 2.1 Community vs WSF 1.5 AMP

Hello:After using the amp tool to install, Alfresco fails to start properly.  It throws and exception while trying to deploy the wsf module.  The exception thrown is:18:00:29,758 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catal...

rbergstrom by Champ in-the-making
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View advanced workflow history from file properties

I can not find a way for review advanced workflow events from file perspective.Details of "filename" do not show aproval status of advanced workflow. It simple says that file is not a part of advanced workflow ones file is approved by user and taks i...

akba by Champ in-the-making
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[résolu] Historique des approbations sur un fichier

Bonjour,J'utilise actuellement la version community d'alfresco 2.9.0b (c'est le nom du fichier d'installation, une fois Alfresco installé, le readme.txt spécifie qu'il s'agit de la version 2.1) sur windows 2000.J'utilise le Workflow avancé intégré à ...

chaaarles by Champ in-the-making
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external values for list constraint

Hi all,I'm pretty sure i have seen this somewhere, but i can't find it anymore. I am looking for the following:I have the following constraint in my custom content model:      <constraint name="gov:cdocumenttype" type="LIST">         <parameter name=...

kbonnet by Champ in-the-making
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Share content between web projects

I have two web projects (project A & Project B) and I need to share content between them.  What is the alfresco model for doing this. For instance, a user in project A creates a product page, workflows it and deploys it to the project A website.  Pro...

boneill by Star Contributor
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One-Click submit (Workflow)

Hi,i seek for a solution to submit a file via URL. With http://hostnameort/alfresco/c/ui/editwebcontent ?sandbox=avm_store_id &webproject=guid_of_web_project &path=avm_store_id:/path/to/filename.extension &container=plain you can edit files. But is i...

poorguy by Champ in-the-making
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Error jsp en IE, funciona en firefox

Buenas!jeje la mayoría de las últimas preguntas son mias…  ops: Bueeeeeno, tengo una página jsp y un Bean que carga un datatable de la página (esto lo hace bien tanto en ie como en firefox), pero una vez cargada la tabla no puedo hacer nada más en IE...

fstnboy by Champ on-the-rise
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[Solved] Alfresco Version in Linux bundle not V3?

Hi all,I downloaded the Linux-Tomcat-bundle a few days ago and installed it, but I was quite suprised when I started discovering the product! It seemed not be version 3. I installed the Windows-bundle as well, this one looks completly different.So wh...

amabilis by Champ in-the-making
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clonación de usuario

Hola:Tras leer el interesante tema anterior sobre la creación masiva de usuarios, me gustaría saber si hay forma de poder crear o modificar "manualmente" un usuario suelto sin usar la interfaz gráfica de Alfresco, por ejemplo mediante xml, y sin nece...