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Forum Posts

Install on UNIX web hotel??

Hi!I'd like to use the community version for just a few users. I'm quite familiar with web production, but not with advanced server issues.I'd like to install Alfresco on my web hotel server, that hosts my web site. Now, it seems that installing Alfr...

asilva by Champ in-the-making
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Can't login at Share

Hello. I'm a new one here. I've installed Alfresco first time and successfully loged in at Explorer. But now I'm trying to login at Share and can't do that. Instead of login I just have a message "The remote server may be unavailable or your authenti...

cnaize by Champ in-the-making
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Thoughts on Records Management

I just finished installing the record management module and had a couple of questions/suggestions.1.  Would it be possible to edit the metadata when you click on the record? ( The view im referring to brings up the preview of the document and static ...

solo8788 by Champ in-the-making
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Amount of files per space recommendation

Hello all,I have created a bulk uploader to load thousands of xml files (usually around 2k each).   Performance takes a huge hit when there is a high amount of files in a single space and I have been tinkering with amounts.  I was just wondering if a...

tonyc by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrade to Alfresco 3.1 sp2

HiI'm using Alfresco Enterprise version 3.1 and i've had problems to integrate Alfresco (running on Fedora Linux) and Active Directory recently, Alfresco always threw an exception saying: "Failed to get local server name" on class: BaseSSOAuthenticat...

rpinheiro by Champ in-the-making
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Is there a way to clear all users?

After MUCH testing - we are getting ready to deploy Alfresco Enterprise… is there an easy way (short of manually) to delete the users that are in the current database?

arganus by Champ in-the-making
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Configure iCal Question

Currently - the iCal feed outputs all date/time info in Zulu time - is there a way to change this so that it outputs properly for the timezone of the User?

arganus by Champ in-the-making
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New doctype for a site?

I have a user with a specific need for their room / site. They want to have a site for color samples for their products. So they have a site called oddly enough Color Samples. They want to upload jpegs into the sites document library and enter a desc...

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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Does Alfresco ads (meta)data to documents?

I noticed that a document, uploaded in Alfresco, has a different size than when it isn’t uploaded in Alfresco.Does Alfresco ads some (meta)data to the document(property)?Can this be a reason a document is getting corrupt in Alfresco?Thanks in advan...

How to unlock a jbpm token?

Hi,I have an stalled workflow in a <decision> node, so I tried to signal the transition from the workflow console. But it can't be signalled because the token is locked (or at least it's wath I figured out due to logs). Is any way to signal the trans...

togomez by Champ on-the-rise
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