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Forum Posts

unterminated string literal because of an wordwrap

Hallo,I develop a webscript, wich looks in the repository und get information from my contents,  the result of te webscript looks like this snipts:{   newsl: [      {        fileName: "gdfgioudfz.xml"        ,      titel: "rewr"      ,      body: "<p...

ridmess by Champ in-the-making
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How can i get the user home path?

Hi all,I'm a very newbie about the development as reguard as application Alfresco-based.In particular, in this period, i must develop (using J2ee) a web client for Alfresco.Because each Alfresco user has an home space, how can i get the path of a spe...

camillo by Champ in-the-making
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Previw website is nt working in Alfresco WCM

Hi everybody,I am new to alfresco and using communty 3.2.i m now working on WCM.i have gone through the document getting started with alfresco WCM community 3.2 and accordingly created 2 web forms and a web project.Uploaded alfresco_sample_website.wa...

use workflow defined in java

Hi everyone,It is the first time I'm using workflow. Before, I've created my own but now I need to use built-in workflow capabilities of Alfresco. That is the scenario:1. After I've started Alfresco server, I will run a Java class. That class include...

gokceng by Champ in-the-making
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Problème d'accent dans mail

Bonjour,J'ai créé plusieurs Email template : Et lorsqu'un utilisateur reçoit un mail, il y a un problème d'accent, voici le résultat :Un nouveau document a �t� ajout� dans votre espace.J'en déduit un problème d'encodage….Avez vous un pb identique ou ...

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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[RESOLU]Probleme de compilation avec Eclipse

Bonjour, j'essaie en vain depuis quelques jours de compiler Alfresco 3.2 (sources svn) avec Eclipse Galileo sur Windows XP Pro. Voici le log :Buildfile: C:\Alfresco_project\project\alfresco\HEAD\root\build.xmlinit:     [echo] user.home = C:\Documents...

pilate by Champ in-the-making
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No alfresco in my network places :(

Hi,I have a problem/question.. what would be the easiest way to make alfresco repository show in my network places so i can access it from another pc too? i just downloaded the newest version of alfresco comunity and obviously it doesnt work without ...

wickedbuzz by Champ in-the-making
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Accessing userhome from share dashlet

In Share I'm trying to add the user's home folder, which is automatically created in /alfresco. But the userhome variable in my dashlet javascript always returns undefined or null. How can I access the current user's home folder (i.e., default storag...

cybertoast by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco bitnami

Why have all this problems installing Alfresco, if we can use Alfresco Bitnami Stack? What are the benefits and problems of install Alfresco "standalone" in oppose to Alfresco Bitnami stack?