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problem webdav (win7) and PDF files (blank page)

Hi,first sorry for my english…. ;-)I have two problems:- My pc can no longer windows7 edit documents online (incompatibility webdav), Is there a solution?- I also have a problem with opening PDF files. for some documents I have a blank page. In the l...

sergio1024 by Champ in-the-making
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Windows based login for Alfresco

Hi Folks,I have done NTLM configuration successfully in Alfresco Explorer and Alfresco Share,when i start Alfresco Its Asking Authentication Requried so,i entered user name/password and it went successfully but,what i need is For very first time also...

rajshekar by Champ in-the-making
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No editing for LDAP imported users?

Hi,viewing the configuration of Alfresco Explorer, I noticed a behaviour that I can't understand.My Alfresco (3.3g, upgraded from 3.2r2) is configured to synchronize users from LDAP-AP, and I see no errors in the logs.I login as admin and look the Me...

lboschi by Champ in-the-making
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Can't edit user profiles

I have passthru authentication set up since 3.2r2 and have recently upgraded to 3.3. It used to work fine and new users automatically got accounts without the administrator having to create extra 'Alfresco' accounts. When tidying up some of the user ...

yzenezy by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and Ruby on Rails

Hello - I want to use Alfresco as the CMS for and develop a custom app with Ruby that can be accessed at  The custom app should only be visible to users who login to Alfresco.From what I understand so...

achung by Champ in-the-making
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soffice.bin hangs

Hey guys,Once in a while soffice.bin hangs and uses 50% of my cpu.  When this happens i cannot upload files, uploads either through CIFs or share hang and fail.  Im trying to figure out what is triggering this.  Does this happen to anyone else?Here i...

Incluir applet en Alfresco

Hola, he creado un applet que tengo comprimido en "jar", pero necesito consejo sobre como desplegarlo en Alfresco. Me encuentro un poco perdido… A ver si alguien me puede ayudar, y espero que no sea demasiado complicado, gracias!

Génération de documents

Bonjour tout le monde,Je viens de débuter avec Alfresco et je dois implémenter une fonctionnalité qui permet de générer un document PDF à partir de plusieurs documents.Est ce que vous pouvez me dire comment je devrais procéder et ou est ce que je pou...

boutaina by Champ in-the-making
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