first sorry for my english…. 😉
I have two problems:
- My pc can no longer windows7 edit documents online (incompatibility webdav), Is there a solution?
- I also have a problem with opening PDF files. for some documents I have a blank page. In the logs appears the following line :
[app.servlet.DownloadContentServlet] Client aborted stream read:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2010/08/27 15:10:12 | node: workspace://SpacesStore/d5a83cf0-030d-4bb0-b74f-4cfc80c103fa
INFO | jvm 1 | 2010/08/27 15:10:12 | content: ContentAccessor[ contentUrl=store://2010/7/29/18/0/0c6d405c-7a13-49e3-b48a-15bde6009f25.bin, mimetype=application/pdf, size=591702, encoding=UTF-8, locale=fr_FR]
if someone could help me…?