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Forum Posts

Replacing ACT_ID_USER table

I'd like to get a push to the right direction. What i'm trying to achieve is to customize activiti to use my own users table instead of the default ACT_ID_USER table. My question is around how far in customizing everything should I go? I've been thin...

wesley by Champ in-the-making
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Status php library development

Hi all,Currently I'm looking into the possibilities of integrating Alfresco into our project environment which is written in PHP.For this I want to use the remote PHP libraries which I downloaded from the SVN repository (

m_mind by Champ in-the-making
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Dateien löschen, wie macht man es richtig?

Hallo,In meiner Anwendung können jetzt Dokumente angezeigt und auch neue Dokumente hoch geladen werden.Nur das Löschen von Dokumenten bekomme ich nicht hin.U.a. habe ich diese Seite gelesen und dort diese Zei...

martinn by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to put ErrorEndEvent and ErrorBoundaryEvent

I couldn't put an ErrorEndEvent within designer. I could only put it into a Sub Process.I couldn't put an ErrorBoundaryEvent  on CallActivity within designer. I could only put it into a Sub Process.Could anyone help me to look into the 2 issues, plea...

mscai by Champ in-the-making
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Multi tenancy in 3.4 RC1

Hi all,     I installed and started Alfresco 3.4 RC1 successfully. When I removed ".sample" suffix of files inside mt extencion folder the folow error ocurredstderr_20110107.log…07/01/2011 11:13:42 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescrip...

gsdenys by Champ in-the-making
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File Path in FSR

Hi,I have developed some web content using Alfresco, my content template has some images which are picked from the $Web_Project/images folder, so ideally when i create the content the images are placed in relative paths like "/images/a.png".I use a F...

Alfresco Share login Probleme über https

Hi,um vor allem Alfresco Share zu testen, wurde auf einem Linux Rechner (Ubuntu 10.4)  alfresco-community-3.4.d installiert. Es gibt lokale Benutzer und solche, die über einen AD-Controller authentifiziert werden. Der LDAP Server wird zur Synchronisa...

langr by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco + Eclipse RCP / RAP platform

Hi, all!I work for an engineering company, they're looking for an opensource ECM solution. The average company's worker changes 30-50 CAD and MS Office files daily, the company has more than 1000 workers, doing their file intersive job. We're evaluat...

esafonov by Champ in-the-making
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Changer url.serverPath

Bonjour,j'utilise la version 3.4.d et je souhaiterais changer la valeur ${url.serverPath}‍ afin d'afficher une URL correcte dans les emails de notification.Je n'ai pas trouvé pour l'instant, et sur le forum, ils conseille de changer directement l'ema...

tomen by Champ in-the-making
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Problem creating my own workflow

Greetings,I need to craete my own workflows and I've been reading all documentation about it but did not reach the issue. Id appreciate any help you can bring to meI've created those filese context : revisionDocumento-wf-1-context.xmlDe proceso: revi...