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File Path in FSR

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have developed some web content using Alfresco, my content template has some images which are picked from the $Web_Project/images folder, so ideally when i create the content the images are placed in relative paths like "/images/a.png".

I use a FSR to deploy the content on to the File System to a folder say /var/alfresco-dep, this has all the folders of my $WEB_PROJECT/ROOT.

Now when consume the html web content published to FSR using my Portlet i see the image paths are broken, since they refer to /images/…

Can any one tell me how make these image paths as absolute when publishing the HTML Web Conten to FSR so that my images or css or javascript paths are not broken.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Its probably easiest if you just stick with relative paths.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If I stick to relative path then how do I consume the same form my Portlet. My Portlet sits i Liferay and when I say "/images" its going to search it inside my Liferay server.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
It may help if you spell out your paths and what you want deployed where.

Either you need to change your portlet to not select an absolute so something like ../images.   Or alternativly you could actually deploy images to the root of your web server so /images works and has the images in the right place.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
its like this, the Web Content are all deployed @

Actually i was thinking using /var/www/html for deploying all static content like images,css,js which when hooked with applications will automatically pick the path.

Was just evaluating sans httpd approach to arbitary file system

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
FSR on Linux
am trying to do a FSR to a HTTPD server which has the docroot –> /var/www/html , i had given the rwx permissions to the user how is running FSR/Alfresco. But when I
run the deployment am not able to see the content being deployed.

But when I give the deployment something to the user home folder, i see the content being deployed properly. Few things am not sure is if I am missing some permission setting for the folder  /var/www/html

Any help in this regard will be good Smiley Happy


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If there's a permissions error there will be a message in the log files.   Are there any errors in your deployment.log?  Or on the deployment page in explorer?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
nope there are no errors in logs, or in the screen when deployment is happening - thats the crucial problem.