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consiglio su modellazione utilizzando share 3.4d

Salve a tutti,1 - Ho letto la documentazione per quanto riguarda le form e riesco a estendere le form per quanto riguarda i dettagli e la visualizzazione dei metadati ma se io volessi avere un form personalizzato per ogni creazione di contenuto come ...

need by Champ in-the-making
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modifier le role du contributeur

Bonjour,En fait je travaille sur Alfresco et j'aimerai savoir comment je peux changer une permission du contributeur (empêcher le contributeur de créer des contenus ou des dossier)Autre chose,je veux personnaliser le  tableau de bord pour tous les si...

achrafar by Champ in-the-making
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Content management yes, list management?

From what I've seen, Alfresco does a fantastic job of handling document management. However, it seems to me that "content" management has to do with more than merely document management.I'm trying to get buy-in with my organization to use Alfresco, b...

ambrogi by Champ in-the-making
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Maven repository down?

Hi,It looks like Activiti maven repository ( is not working. The server is 'visible' with a ping, but getting an URL gives 'Service Temporarily Unavailable'. It behaves like this from yest...

by Not applicable
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BpmnDeployer - 'incorrect' resourceName.

Hi All,please consider to add WARN message to org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer.To be more concrete (version 5.7, line 65-…): …   if (resourceName.endsWith(BPMN_RESOURCE_SUFFIX)) {        ResourceEntity resource = resources.get(res...

gwt_inter by Champ in-the-making
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locking a task?

Hi, I would like to be able to lock a task so that only one specific user can work on itIn the API I find the methodsaddUserIdentityLink(String taskId, String userId, String identityLinkType) addCandidateUser(String taskId, String userId) claim(Strin...

where the task status in database?

I can't find the status of tasks in database of activiti. If there isn't status in database, when the server shut down, how to rebuild the instance? I create an instance which contains three steps.When I complete second step I found the data in datab...

sky1 by Champ in-the-making
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Deployment of a process with a web service task

Hello,i tried to create a simple process using a webservice which works fine with a Java client, but when i integrate it in a bpmn process the deployer throws the following exception:Caused by: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Could not find im...

xsd:QName intrepreation in BPMN 2.0 is not same as WSDL

Hi,  A lot of elements in BPMN 2.0 use xsd:QName to refer to another element. For example, itemDefinition is referenced by xsd:QName. In a WSDL definition, the xsd:QName stands for namespace:name. In BPMN supplied examples, it is namespace:id. But in...

riceyeh by Champ in-the-making
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Handle Request Exception

I just installed OW Community with Alfresco 3.4 Community Edition.I used separate Tomcat installation (not the Alfresco One) and changed defalut ports.I have been following the installation steps, but I get the following Error:-quoteOpenWorkdesk - Ha...