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Nouveau connecteur de numérisation I.R.I.S.

ALFEA Consulting annonce la disponibilité d'un nouveau connecteur entre les logiciels de numérisation I.R.I.S. et Alfresco.I.R.I.S. ( fournit d'excellentes solutions de numérisation assurant en autres : - OCR- Reconnaissance A...

dgenard by Champ on-the-rise
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Multi Instance

Can two user access same process and and work on same task at a time in a web environment?

masarrat by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti enum type

Hello, everybody.I have a question. How can I make an Activiti form enum from Java code. In other words, I used two cases. The first one:Map<String, String> map = new Hashmap<String, String>();map.put("one", "oneVal");map.put("two", "twoVal");executi...

afenske by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Modeler

Hi.I have problems with Activiti Modeler:Run Activiti Explorer, and if i try to edit the chart runs Activiti Modeler, but the editor does not start completely.Maybe I'm doing something wrong?(Alfresco Communiti 4.2c, Activiti 5.11)PS: Sorry. My Engli...

dogvard by Champ in-the-making
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Mysql : Augmenter les performances

Hello,J'aimerais améliorer les performances de Mysql avec Alfresco. Je constate sur certains serveurs qu'aux heures où beaucoup d'utilisateurs travaillent la CPU est très sollicité par Mysql.J'ai amélioré au maximum la configuration en m'aidant d'un ...

dranakan by Champ on-the-rise
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Zimbra Alfresco integration

Hi All,I need help in zimbra alfresco integration. I am using savealfresco zimlet for connection. Deployed savealfresco to zimbra, i could drag and drop email to the zimlet but the dialog box is not appearing. Using zimbra 8.0 and alfresco 3.4.dThank...

External DAM Integration

hello, I have requirement where i need to manage 50000 images as a web solution, Receommended Alfresco as potential solution, but alog with Alfresco, i need to integrate with one of the external DAM (Customer need).Q: Would somebody tell me, Does Alf...

SOLR index error after upgrading to 4.2.c

I upgraded from 4.0.d to 4.2.c. Alfresco and Share are running with data from previous version but the search form doesn't work. I find following errors on log:2013-01-09 09:19:40,750  ERROR [extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-bio-8443-exec...

supta by Champ in-the-making
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access property name with freemarker

Hello,1) This works fine :    <#– Get a list of all the property names for the document –>                        <#assign props =>                        <#list props as t>                         <#– If the property exists –>   ...

eldi by Champ in-the-making
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frameMaker et alfresco !!

bonjour a tous,je suis en stage pour but mise en place la solution Alfresco, mais ils m'ont exigé de faire une synchronisation entre alfresco et frammaker !!! je ne sais pas comment le faire ?,merci d'avance

ibrahimo by Champ in-the-making
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