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Forum Posts

Corrupted Google Docs

Hi All,I am having issues when checking in documents from Google, the whole checkout – edit – check-in process works fine. the issue i am having is that when the document is checked in it is corrupted.Is anyone else experiencing this issue? or does a...

mattsmith by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow ohne User Tasks

Guten Tag,kann ein Alfresco Workflow auch ohne UserTasks deployed werden? In einem Blog Eintrag von Jeff Potts stand folgendes:Challenge 2: Processes without user tasks"As I mentioned, my overly simple Hello World examples are nothing but automated s...

hartnerb by Champ in-the-making
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Folder security under Share site/doclib lacking ???

So, under a Share site, in the Document Library folder, I have a folder called Division Reports. Within Division Reports, will be subfolders by report type. One type will be Payroll and that folder and its contents can ONLY be viewed by members of a ...

Transaction will not role back with Annotation @Transaction

Hi,this my first post and i'm currently working in transaction with spring and activiti I have the Problem, that the Transaction will not role back, after there occurs an exception in the function, i witch i start the processinstance. But, if the Ex...

How do you build the Repository src?

I downloaded the (Software Development Kit, including the source files, zipped) from went to alfresco-community-sdk-4.2.b\src then extracted the alfresco-reposi...

berenoune by Champ in-the-making
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Share Point protocol checkout/in from MS Office 2010 not working

Greetings Everyone : Version: 4.2.c communityServer Environment: CentOS 6.3 x64 , installed alfresco using set up wizard with all the modules included within the installer.Client environment : Windows 7 Ultimate, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Pl...

thebossa by Champ in-the-making
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How to joint strings in JUEL?

I want to joint some strings for a variable that set by listener.${execution.setVariable('message', 'reject reason: max value for ' + category)}‍‍‍In this example, the type of 'reject reason: max value for' is text, the category is a variable. The va...

kafeitu by Champ on-the-rise
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