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Folder security under Share site/doclib lacking ???

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
So, under a Share site, in the Document Library folder, I have a folder called Division Reports.

Within Division Reports, will be subfolders by report type. One type will be Payroll and that folder and its contents can ONLY be viewed by members of a specific group.

Now I have setup multiple groups: ACC_Manager, ACC_Consumer, ACC_Collaborator, ACC_Contributor (just to cover the basics) and added the "ACC Reports-Payroll" group.

Yet when I go to modify the rights of Payroll Reports, the UI is NOT like the UI when one manages the rights at the Repository level, and that is most definitely what I need!

I need to NOT inherit rights on the "Payroll" folder and set the consumers of that folder to the group "ACC Reports-Payroll".

How do I do this?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi arnieAustin2,

If I understand correctly what you need, your repository should be like this:
- /
– Divisione Reports
— Payroll
— Reports type 2
— Reports type …
— Reports type n
And you would like to give consumer permissions to "Payroll" not inheriting from the "Division Reports" folder.

You can do this by managing the permissions directly in the Payroll folder using the alfresco share website.
In the alfresco share webpage dedicated to the permits management (on the top right) there is a button that "clear" the permissions inherited from the parent folder. Now you are be able to set explicitly the consumer permits to the "ACC Reports-Payroll" group.

Hope this is what you need…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You are a bit confused. There is no "manage" permissions - at least not like it would be a the ENTIRE repository level. When I try to manage the rights of a folder from a Site's Document Library, I just get a pop-up dialog listing the rights of the four site roles.

That's it. Smiley Sad Even if I edit the folder's properties and then try to manage the permissions, I only get that LAME pop-up. Who thought that up, anyway? 😉

I had to remove rights via Explorer. Smiley Sad

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
What is the best way to report this lack of functionality?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
generally you can raise issues here:

But it this case it's working as designed. Share uses specific roles within Sites and a stripped down permission model using this roles.
If you like to have full-feature permission dialog you need to use Alfresco Explorer or the Repository Browser (/page/repository) within Share.
You can also activate this full-feature permission dialog by configuration…
but you may get into trouble if you don't use Share's site roles!
Cheers, Jan