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Guia de Alfresco 3.4 con Xammp

Hola saludos nececito una guia desde cero para instalar alfreco 3.4 community con xammp la verdad no se como integrar alfresco con xammp no se si se instala primero xammp o alfresco si alguien me puede ayudar porfavor se lo agradeceria bastante

lllgaslll by Champ in-the-making
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Integração com aplicações

De que forma integrar?São softwares livres?Estou começando aqui e estou procurando uma solução para integrar scanner com o Alfresco?Obrigado.Aguardo auxilio.

kee-ven by Champ in-the-making
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Edit online in share problem on WAN

Dear all,I am using alfresco for last couple of weeks and found to be great program. But there is one issue i am not able to get through and start thinking to use NUXEO now. When using alfresco share on local LAN segment "edit online" function works ...

exograpix by Champ in-the-making
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Javascript Console

I wish to send an e-mail using a javascript and a Freemarker Template.I can send an e-mail via my javascript using the Javascript Input tab of the Console. I have tried using the "Freemarker Input" and I can see "Freemarker HTML Output" if I use the ...

drbaz by Champ in-the-making
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Repair property that is marked as residual

Hello,from some reason (apparently because of an regression issue during update) the property cm:companyfax becomes a "residual" state (which means property without a type definition).I've checked the contentModel.xml and it definitely contains a pro...

how to subscribe folder change in alfresco share

Hi all, I did adding a document library actions in alfresco 4.0 for subscribe document change, it's working fine. I need do the same for folder as well, but I don't know how, anyone could help me out?Kind Regards,

waynewei by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS Where to start

Hallo I have recently installed Alfresco community.  We also use Jira for issue tracking and would like to integrate JIRA with Alfresco reporitory.  I have installed a plugin for JIRA that integrates to ALFRESCO CMIS.I have the following Questions:1....

elmarie by Champ in-the-making
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Port number 8080 need to change.

Hi!Good Day!I'm installing alfresco 4.0.e but having error. "Unable to bind to the given port number. Please select another Tomcat Server Port."I would just like to ask if there is other port number for tomcat server that I can use?Thank you.Irene

irene08 by Champ in-the-making
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How to list Folder Comments using Alfresco JAVA API

I am searching for sample code to list down all the comments for particular node .I found some webscript to list down the comments of the folder but could not find the sample code for JAVA API.public class CommentsController extends AbstractWebScript...