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Forum Posts

Alfresco ce 3.4 jasig Cas (external auth)

Hola, soy bastante nuevo en el mundo de Alfresco.En el trabajo me han planteado la instalación e integración de Alfresco ce 3.4 con el método de autenticación CAS server de jasig. He seguido el procedimiento establecido en

clorreyu by Champ in-the-making
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Create processes from JAVA

Hello,I would like to use the Activiti Engine for a student project.I succeeded to execute the 10 minute tutorial, and now i want to manage different processes with a various number of tasks.Is is possible to create tasks directly from java ? Or i mu...

flostudent by Champ in-the-making
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How can i invoke Workflow Form page From Custom UI Action

Dear Guies,Main Idea:I'm trying to build custom ui action on alfresco/share mentioned to invoke the start page (First Transition) Directly.Example For Explanation:When you Enter to alfresco share main page, you will notice that you have a dashlet nam...

Gestion de bureau d'ordre

Bonjour,je voudrais savoir est ce que c'est possible de faire une gestion de bureau d'ordre avec un workflow avancé.Merci de votre aide.

hydi by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS Install

I have downloaded the Alfresco Community Edition 4.2. What other Alfresco products do I need to download to deply Alfresco as a CMIS repository?

Estrarre informazioni da documenti

Ciao.Ho la necessità di estrarre delle informazioni da alcuni documenti (doc, xls, ..) e popolare i metadati di Alfresco. Ad esempio popolare il metadato x perchè so che nei file che carico ho quel metadato nella cella C2. Come posso fare?Grazie, cia...

bcsx by Champ in-the-making
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Early preview release of Alfresco Desktop Sync

An early preview release of Alfresco Desktop Sync is now available. You can find the installers here.Alfresco Desktop Sync can synchronize files between your desktop and Alfresco Cloud, Alfresco Community, and Alfresco Enterprise.Syncing with on-prem...

jpotts by World-Class Innovator
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Extract information from documents

HiHow can i read informations from documents content and save these informations in the documents metadata? For example i want to read the content of the cells C2 and automatically save it in the metadata of the file.Thanks, bye!

bcsx by Champ in-the-making
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