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Forum Posts

Perte d'aspect en copie de Doc

Bonjour,Est-ce que quelqu'un sait pourquoi un copier-coller d'un document dans un même espace provoque la perte des aspects ?Je m'explique…- Dans Alfresco Explorer, je lance une action et  ajoute l'aspect 'Validité' sur un document.Je récupère donc 2...

fred_pack by Champ in-the-making
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Using Alfresco for an ISO9001 Quality Index

We are looking at using Alfresco to replace our current folder structure and spreadsheet organised ISO9001 Quality Index.One thing I've not found out how to do yet is how we can add meta data to docs, and then report over it, or subset over it.For ex...

rickb by Champ in-the-making
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drag and drop feature

Drag and Drop option is not showing in document library. I am using Alfresco Community 4.0 in Windows Server 2008 r2

pete109 by Champ in-the-making
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Verifying external SSO via telnet

If I understand the HTTP protocol correctly, it should be possible to validate an external SSO configuration by manually constructing an HTTP request and submitting it over telnet with the appropriate headers. For example, if share-config-custom.xml ...

award by Champ in-the-making
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Interconectar 1 o mas Alfrescos

Hola a todosMe la han puesto difícil en mi empresa Resulta que tenemos sucursales en varios países, y cada país tiene su alfresco local (Versiones diferentes de community superiores a las 4.2c)Todos con integraciones con nuestro directorio activo par...

emerson by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow & Data List - Difference

Hi all members,First, i would like to thank all members for sharing their valuable suggestion and experiences. Now my query: What is the actual difference between Workflow and data list. In "data list" i am seeing various activities like "To Do List/...

No puedo previsulizar los documentos de microsoft office.

Hola comunidad de alfresco.Tengo un problema al visualizar documentos de word en alfresco, les comento como esta realizada mi configuración.Esta levantado el servicio de Oppenoffice en el puerto 8100.mi archivo de configuración de alfresco esta de la...

fredyc by Champ in-the-making
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probleme connexion à share avec firefox

Je suis administrateur système, et je suis en train de déployer alfresco community 3.4.d et tout fonctionne bien. cependant je n'arrive pas à me connecter à "share" avec mozilla firefox.après avoir saisi les identifiants, je clique sur connexion rien...

kassap by Champ in-the-making
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Automatic reminder emails for every user task

I'm migrating the workflow engine in a large application from jBPM3 to Activiti (latest version).One very important feature of all existing processes is automatic notifications and reminders sent by email to task's assignees. So, whenever a user task...

felipe1 by Champ in-the-making
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