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Available OWD Plugins for the Community Edition

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
An overview of the OWD Editions you can find here:
but what are the plugins that are been delivered with the Community Edition.  :ugeek:

Here a short overview of the available plugins:
- Check in a document
- Check out a document
- Cancel Check-out
- Change document class
- Demote version
- Promote version
- Upload new content and keep document checked out
- eFile Management for easy processing of eFiles and their contents
- Search function with search templates for eFiles, documents and data
- Add documents to eFile
- Create new folder using form
- Create new folder
- Copy to clipboard
- Cut and copy to clipboard
- Move objects from clipboard to currently opened folder
- Paste objects from clipboard to currently opened folder
- Paste metadata from clipboard
- Delete irrevocably
- Delete reference
- Edit properties
- Edit properties using form
- Edit properties (basic)
- Edit properties of all selected objects in one step
- Display status information
- Download document(s)
- Context help for each plugin
- Page where new activities (e.g. workflows) can be launched
- Access to user and site settings
- Add folder to favorites
- Management of favorites
- Add to favorites
- Settings for OpenWorkdesk
- Send document(s) as fax (Demo)
- Predefined plugin for plugin development (Demo)
- Demo eFile plugin (Demo)
- Display JSP page (Demo)
- … (in case that I forgot one)  :lol:

Each OWD-Plugin is fully configurable.
To configure your plugins (hmm…that means the functionality of your OpenWorkdesk web application  :idea: ) use the OWD-Configurator (downloadable @ - folder "/owd releases binary" )
Edit the owplugins.xml file (e.g.d:apache-tomcat-6.0.26webappsopenworkdeskWEB-INFconfcmisowplugins.xml)
edit, save and restart your OpenWorkdesk deployment.

Create an account, go to ( and download the:
- WeWebU OpenWorkdesk Community Edition Quickstart Guide
- WeWebU OpenWorkdesk Installation Guide
- WeWebU OpenWorkdesk Configuration Guide and
for all of you programmers  :roll: the - WeWebU OpenWorkdesk Developer Manual

Good Luck!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you think the OWD Community Edition has enough plugins (features) to start your work, You are right!   :shock:

But the Professional or Enterprise Edition brings more plugins within  :mrgreen: , like:
> BPM  Features
- Access to IBM FileNet P8 BPM
- Execute work item using form
- Launch workflow with object(s) as attachment(s) (using form)
- Execute the next available work item
- Forward work item
- Set resubmission date
- Delete resubmission date
- Return to original inbox
- Launch workflow with object(s) as attachment(s)
- Execute work item
> E-mail functionalities
- Create E-mail with attachment(s)
- Create E-mail with link to object(s)
> Contract Management
- Opens the eFile that refers the target object
- Create new eFile
- Create Tasks
> Database History Manager
> Database Role Manager - Administrative tools
> Remote Control - Interface to OpenWorkdesk, which allows executing distinct functions via URL
> Misc Plugins
- Viewer Integration
- View documents side by side
- Show if object was touched in current session
- Drag and Drop
- File Download Applet
> Adaptors
- Adaptor IBM P8
- Adaptor FileNet Image Manager Server
- Adaptor for IBM Content Manager
- Adaptor for IBM Content Manager On Demand
- Adaptor for JCR Standard
> …


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
BPM - Updates for OpenWorkdesk
Since OWD the module: ow_plugfnbpm was renamed to ow_plugbpm.
The OpenWorkdesk brings the BPM features as part of the  Community Edition.
There will be a new module called: ow_adpalfrescobpm - Support of Alfresco Workflow!

> ow_plugbpm & ow_adpalfrescobpm BPM features:
- Support of Alfresco Workflow Engines: Activiti, jBPM
- already available IBM FileNet P8 BPM support - only Enterprise Edition
- Display personal inbox
- Execute work item/task using form
- Launch workflow with object(s) as attachment(s)
- Launch workflow with object(s) as attachment(s) (using JSP form)
- Execute the next available work item
- Forward work item/task
- Set resubmission date
- Delete resubmission date
- Return to original inbox
- Execute work item/task
- Define a Proxy for my work item/task
- Filterring of work items/tasks
- Queues concept (Inbox, Queue, Tracker, Proxy…)

:arrow: Alfresco Workflow: the first available Edition is OpenWorkdesk Sprint 2.
Stay tuned, we will update the Community Edition on Sourceforge: