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Assign Group to new users

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all that's my first time in alfresco forum 🙂 nice to meet you.
I just start to use Community Labs 3.0 for testing the ALfresco environment and merge it with my application.
My architecture is composed of a server machine that run a web application that needs to communicate with another server where i would like to install alfresco for document managent. In my web application (is written using google gwt) at the server side i'd like to communicate with alfresco to add new spaces, user to retrive content and to manage group role and permission.
I search in wiki and forum and "maybe" i've read that with web services is not possible to manage group, a very important feature for me…
In the SDK example of alfresco other API are refered to embedded alfresco system and offer more than webservices, but i really don't uderstand all the things.
Again, i've look that it's possible to comunicate via Jaascript but i would like to mantain all alfresco computation on server side because client really doesn't need to use alfreco.
Can someone help me to decide wich is the best way to communicate in this scenario? Which are the best solution? What kind of API i need to use?
Man, many thanks to everybody. 🙂

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
I think you can try to use Alfresco Web Service Client and Alfresco Custom Actions to implement this feature.

Here you can find a thread with a similar request in this forum where I suggest this type of solution:

Hope this helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thx for your quickly help OpenPj 🙂
Well this feature it seem to be a good way to create what i need….but of course i need to cross beetween Custom Actions. :-S
I'll try but maybe the work is so long….my prerogative was to interact with alfresco with less development because i'm not really good with all the tools that you said. 😄
by the way i'll try your solution…
Thanks 😄