I am trying to amend the alfresco-global.properties to change notification.email.siteinvite=false to "true". when I try to save my changes I receive an 'Access Denied' message. Is this something I should be able to ask my IT colleague to allow me access to save it?
Hi, every modification to alfresco-global.properties must be done when Alfresco is down, since the file is loaded once during start-up. You're likely to get this error from Tomcat which put a lock on that file.
Many thanks, I was able to create a copy of alfresco-global.properties and rename it to this.
I have set notification.email.siteinvite=true but users are not getting emails when a workflow is started. does anyone know what else I need to do to enable this to happen?
I have also set system.workflow.engine.jbpm.enabled=true and restarted the services but nothing seems to have changed?