04-15-2009 10:57 AM
09-23-2009 11:26 AM
09-24-2009 08:14 AM
JkMount /alfresco worker_alfresco
JkMount /alfresco/* worker_alfresco
JkMount /* worker_liferay
workers.properties:# Setting Tomcat & Java Home
workers.java_home="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_07"
# Set properties for worker 'worker_alfresco' (ajp13)
# Set properties for worker 'worker_liferay' (ajp13)
- used Alfresco MMT to install "AWPrExampleWebScripts" and "SecureTokenAuthenticationRivet"Hello Alaaeldin,
AWPr looks really great, thank you for contributing it to the community! I managed to get the AWPr My Spaces Web script working, but unfortunately Alfresco (3.2 CE) creates for every user an account instead of assigning the matching Alfresco-User. Liferay (5.2.3) and Alfresco do have the exact same users in it, same e-mail-addresses, Liferay screennames matches Alfresco's user names and Home Space names, what am I doing wrong?
I already checked my alfresco.war using alfresco-mmt-3.2.jar list, modules "AWPrExampleWebScripts" and "SecureTokenAuthenticationRivet" are installed and I used the chaining-authentication-context.xml from your wiki-page.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance.
Thanks for the kind words. We haven't had a chance to test AWPr with Alfresco 3.2 yet. But I think it should work unless Alfresco's chaining authentication XML changed since Alfresco version 3.1.
I'll update this thread when we get around to trying it out.
09-24-2009 11:19 AM
09-25-2009 06:46 AM
11:58:03,081 User:System INFO [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'SecureTokenAuthenticationRivet' version 1.1.0.
11:58:03,159 User:System INFO [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'AWPrExampleWebScripts' version 1.5.0.
Liferay says at startup:09:54:58,407 INFO [PortletHotDeployListener:227] Registering portlets for awpr
09:54:58,438 WARN [PortletLocalServiceImpl:499] Portlet with the name awpr_WAR_
awpr is described in portlet.xml but does not have a matching entry in liferay-portlet.xml
09:54:58,485 INFO [PortletHotDeployListener:346] 1 portlet for awpr is available for use
09-25-2009 08:57 AM
09-25-2009 12:05 PM
09-25-2009 12:09 PM
09-28-2009 03:21 AM
So either create the user in Alfresco ahead of time or Alfresco will create it for you. Since you're using Liferay you must be careful since Liferay allows you to login using userid, e-mail, or screenname. Whatever the username is that you type in Liferay's login is has to be the username in Alfresco. So if you login to Liferay with an e-mail address then the username of the user in Alfresco must also be the e-mail address.That's exactly what I did
09-30-2009 10:42 AM
10-01-2009 10:03 AM
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