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Authoring, saving new content

I'm doing an integration with an authoring tool, and have gotten the web services working for checking out content, and checking it back in, including updating the content on the checkin (using checkinExternal on the AuthoringService). All of this is...

blackbrook by Champ in-the-making
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Différences avec QuickR

Bonjour à tous,je suis en train de travailler sur un projet dans mon entreprise pour mettre en place QuickR.Comme QuickR ne me plaît pas pour certains trucs, j'ai voulu regarder les autres solutions disponibles. Je suis tombé sur Alfresco et j'ai été...

philippelr by Champ in-the-making
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Maven + Alfresco = AMP - Tutorial pas à pas

Bonjour le forumDepuis quelque temps, j'utilise Maven avec Alfresco pour créer des AMPs. J'utilise pour cela les différents plugins existants et avec le temps j'ai essayé de les utiliser autrement. Je ne sais pas si cette approche est la bonne mais n...

jm_pascal by Star Contributor
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access to the model

I'm having troubles implementing advanced workflows. I did a workflow which directly assignthe task "review" to a predefined group, and I would like  when the screen "Workflow options"appears , it shows the name of the group that handle the task.The ...

anusk by Champ in-the-making
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Updating pdf from javascript

Hi, I would like to add some info onto pdf files, updating their metadata and adding a cover page for example. I'm using the iText library ( As far as I know, IText expects accessing the file, or an InputStream, or a by...

stebans by Champ in-the-making
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[RESOLU]Besoin de supprimer un bouton

Bonjour,Je viens d'installer Alfresco sur un serveur linux. L'application tourne bien. A la demande du client, je dois supprimer ou rendre invisible l'action "editer hors ligne" pour les contenus.J'ai installé eclipse, le jdk6, mysql sur mon poste wi...

kimblue by Champ in-the-making
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IMAP bound to localhost, how do I change it?

After install of Alfresco CE 3.2 on CentOS 5.1, I enabled IMAP in the file using these settings:‍‍‍‍‍IMAP is up and running but the protocol...

warmbowski by Champ in-the-making
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Remove Guest User

Is there anyway to permanently remove the guest user?  I keep deleting him, and each reboot he is back! I should also add, that when some users click on the alfresco link, they automatically get logged in as guest - straight to the main page. Very ba...

mangar by Star Contributor
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Alfresco - admin password

Hi,I am new to Alfresco and I have installed alfresco community edition on windows 7. I am unable to login with admin/admin user credentials. Can you please help me to resolve the issue?Regards,Sudhindra

lakkurs by Champ in-the-making
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