10-04-2007 05:25 PM
10-06-2007 01:51 AM
1) I'm trying to decide between Alfresco and Nuxeo. Alfresco seems to have more momentum (pardon the Documentum pun) in US, but at least Nuxeo is fully Open Source, meaning all the source including bug fixes that have not been included in a release are always available. Having worked with Documentum, I can imagine that it becomes easy, maybe even profitable to provide releases that are rushed, and then quickly provide bug fixes afterward that are not available to the community. Hiding any of the code, even if it is bug fixes just doesn't seem like true open source to me. This seems to provide an incentive to provide a continuously broke release with fixes already being packaged to be released a few weeks later to the paying customers.
2) How would someone like myself, who is a Documentum developer, get the supported versions of Alfresco without paying a bunch of money. My goal would be to create interest in Alfresco and promote it. How can alfresco do that in an Open Source way, if the developers who need to be promoting the application to companies don't have access to bug fixes when they become available?
10-06-2007 11:55 AM
10-06-2007 12:29 PM
*all* fixes we make are made available to the Community. We've made huge leaps of faith to keep our Community with us (e.g. going GPL). And the hours our core developers spend on the forums each day answering questions is exceptional. Take a look at Adobe's announcement about Open Sourcing Flex - why is Alfresco mentioned? - it's because we helped persuade them. Questioning our openess and commitment to Open Source is unfair.
10-08-2007 12:17 PM
11-25-2007 03:20 AM
And remember, *all* fixes we make are made available to the Community. We've made huge leaps of faith to keep our Community with us (e.g. going GPL). And the hours our core developers spend on the forums each day answering questions is exceptional. Take a look at Adobe's announcement about Open Sourcing Flex - why is Alfresco mentioned? - it's because we helped persuade them. Questioning our openess and commitment to Open Source is unfair.
02-10-2008 09:58 PM
Hiding any of the code, even if it is bug fixes just doesn't seem like true open source to me.
I think there are a relatively small number of people who are interested in this access.
07-08-2008 07:26 PM
07-10-2008 05:51 AM
07-10-2008 10:53 AM
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