09-28-2016 10:06 PM
Hi, I hope someone can help.
I have activated passthru authentication, but since doing so, I am getting the message "Alfresco is running without Share Services. See your System Administrator for more details."
I have made the same change to two servers, one running Alfresco One trial 5.1.1 and one running Alfresco Community 5.1.0 (r127059-b7). Both are displaying the same issue.
The authentication chain is:
Contents of passthru-authentication-context.properties
The LDAP synchronisation is working great. I have two because I am getting two different groups of people.
Users can sign on with no problem. admin can sign on using the alfrescoNtlm.
If I remove passthru, the error goes away.
I am using http port 8080 and all other settings are out of the box.
In alfresco-global.properties
The line share.host is fully qualified instead of
Any help or pointers appreciated.
09-29-2016 10:03 PM
As Gethin James Said in order to make share work ,you need to install share-service amp into repository and make sure share'version number is equal to shareServices amp's version number.
You have two options to check whether share-service amp is installed correctly and it's version number.
option 1 is using the Module Management Tool (MMT),you can refer to http://docs.alfresco.com/5.0/concepts/dev-extensions-modules-management-tool.html for detail information
option 2 : You can turn on your browser's debugging tool, and you'll find something like this on console
2016-01-21 11:09:24,195 DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-4] Executing (GET) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/- default-/private/alfresco/versions/1/modulepackag...
trace the message you will find the cause of the issue.
After checking the share-service amp status ,if you find it is not installed correctly or version not match,you'd better reinstall the correct share-service amp version using mmt.
if you find it installed correctly and version matches ,you can disable the waring(not recommended) by following steps
open file ${SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER}/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/share/imports/share-header.lib.js with a text editor
and find something like this
name: "share/services/ServicesWarning",
config: {
shareServices: getShareServices(),
shareVersion: getShareVersion(),
userIsAdmin: user.isAdmin
comment it out like
name: "share/services/ServicesWarning",
config: {
shareServices: getShareServices(),
shareVersion: getShareVersion(),
userIsAdmin: user.isAdmin
12-13-2017 03:47 AM
Jeff, thanks for the info, actually I had exactly that problem.
Do you think this might be somehow related to this: [ALF-21966] External authentication not working on custom pages - Alfresco JIRA
07-19-2018 10:56 PM
Not sure if this will help anyone else.
1. I see the same error message
2. removing tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/share/SESSIONS.ser and restarting my server removed the error
1. I am also using ldap authentication
2. a few custom amps installed
I changed my hostname in /opt/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml for the alfresco end-point.
My suspicion is the .ser file was created using the original hostname and never regenerated.
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