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Alfresco for my company, is it a good choice ?!?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear all,

My company need a solution to host file online for our customer.

Here a description of my company and what we need:

A / My company is a factory, we produce consumer goods.

1/ We have around 50 international client.
2/ We often need to send them large illustrator files (150 - 200mo) and give them information (PDF)

This takes a lot of time, a cost us a lot of money (International DHL sending).

B / I would like so to create a website:

On this website:

- I would like to have a common folder to store pdf, for all our client (everybody can see it)

- Then a folder, for each of your client, that contains private customer information (specific customer files)
  Such as Documents, Pictures
  So only the concerned customer should be able to see his folder.

C/ Webhosting

1/ I would like to host it on a fast server (maybe hosted solution)

What we need is something very simple, not a complex interface.

Do you think that we can do that with Alfresco ?

Thanks a lot for your answer.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Marc,
yes, you can achieve this using alfresco.
If you like to have a small and easy webinterface you should consider using some WebScripts and not the whole Alfresco Webclient.
Should your customers have write access or only read access?
If they have only read access take a look at the Alfresco Google Gadgets:
If you like, i can send you an email with a 4 minute screencast of this gadgets.

Cheers, jpfi

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear jpfi,

thanks for your fast answer.

Could  you tell me how to implement this ?

Is it possible to find a company who do Hosted Solution of this WebScripts  ?

I need something very simple.

One common folder.

And one folder for each customer, protected by password !

Thanks for your support !

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Marc,

just a few more question to clarify your requirements:
- your customers have only read access?
- how often will the documents be changed

If you use Alfresco, you have to host a whole repository, regardless if you only use some small or the whole web client.
I don't nay hosting company which directly offers an alfresco hosting, but alfresco is only a db (e.g. MySql) and a java application server (e.g. Tomcat).
So there are many indirect offers you can consider.

Configuring Alfresco to meet your requirements should be done in a few hours:
- install Alfresco
- Create user for every Customer (read access only for your customer)
- Create Common Space (readAccess for all authenticated users)
- publish the URL of your browse folder WebSripts (you can use the browse folder scripts of the Google Gadgets) to your clients

In the simpliest way that's all.

If you want to try this Scripts:
- Register here:
- than call

Another way to go is to use the more basic WebDAV-Interface.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Jpfi,

1/ just a few more question to clarify your requirements:
- your customers have only read access? YES
- how often will the documents be changed? Every Days

2 / Configuring Alfresco to meet your requirements should be done in a few hours:
- install Alfresco
- Create user for every Customer (read access only for your customer)
- Create Common Space (readAccess for all authenticated users)
- publish the URL of your browse folder WebSripts (you can use the browse folder scripts of the Google Gadgets) to your clients

I open an account here:  but i am not able to see how to add Common Space.

Could you explain me how to configure this demo ?

3/ Concerning the webhosting, i need a webhosting company who can host alfresco, with fast access to their server from asia, any idea ?

4/ What should i buy to run Alfresco ?
As explained, i need something very basic and easy to use:
- one page for common share of files
- and an one page with different folder with each one different access with password and login.

Thanks for your great help !


Thanks a lot for your help !

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
1) Ok, than take the way I mentioned under 2)

2) this hosted demo ( is called alfresco content community.
You'll only have read access there.
If you want to prototype your solution, you have to downlaod and install your own Alfresco instance or ask Alfresco sales for a hosted trial.
WindowsSetup download:

3) I'm not a webhosting expert, but there will be a solution.

4) You don't have to buy anything, Alfresco Community Edition is free. But if you need some professional support, you should consider using Enterprise or Small Business Edition. (Same code base, but SLA included).
Thus we are currently getting an alfresco partner, you could contact me via a private message if you are interested.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Jpfi,

thanks for your great help !

I just installed the Alfresco demo on my computer, but i still have some question.

1/ How to create one private folder for each customer ? (Read Only)

2/ Is it possible to create one folder called XZB and only the customer XZB can read, and see the folder ?

3/ Concerning the webhosting, i need to host arround 2500 mo of data.
    Do  you know a company who can provide us this space ?

Thanks a lot JPFI

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

1) just create a space/folder. click on view details. on the right you'll see a link called Manage Space User, click it.  Perhaps you should deactive the Inherit Parent Space Permissions checkbox on the next screen to deactive permission inheritance. Then click invite and manage your permissions. Your Customers role have to be Consumer. Users form your company will be Coordinators.

2) AFAIK, this cannot be done using the standard web client from scratch. You'll have to do a little coding there.

3) I don't know… google it. You'll surely find someone.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Jan,

thanks for your kind answer.

Actually my problem is to find a way to host Alfresco.

it seems that alfresco doesnt run easily on every web server.

So i ask you if you know any company compliant with Alfresco.



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making