I am new to Alfresco. Seeking advice here on the possible minimum requirements for the Alfresco 4.2c Community Edition for Tomcat & MySQl aside from the ones mentioned in the documentation. I have referred to the following page for the information: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Alfresco_Community_4.2.c_Release_Notes
However, may I know if it is alright to install it on Tomcat 6.0 and MySQL 5.1? What are the specific issues if the Tomcat and MySQL versions does not follow what is mentioned in the documentation?
please use Tomcat 7 as stated in the documentation, as I know that some people already had major problems with Tomcat 6 (don't know about the specifics, but only way to get it to work was using Tomcat 7). With regards to MySQL, I'd advice to use MySQL 5.5, but don't know for sure wether 5.1 isn't still supported.
I agree with the advice to stick with the tested versions.
However, I'm running 4.2 on tomcat 6 without problems. What 4.2 requires is Java 7, that bit is non negotiable. Likewise the version of MySql should not matter.