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Alfresco Configuration and environment

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, my name is Wander from Brasil and I work as Information Architect .I am evaluating some workflows frameworks  and   I have a doubt involving Alfresco  environment.

May I use Alfreco framework to work with a multiple workflows ?
Imagine that I can create a Portifolio with a set of informations . And depending on a parameter  I use a specific workflow with a specific number of steps (phases, 4 phases for instance) . And I create another portifolio with others paramenters and using another workflow with a specific number of steps (phases, 6 phases for instance) .
So , its is my doubt. If I can use more then one workflow in the same database and if framework Alfresco is able to do it .

If it possible, what version may I use ?

Thanks for your support
Wander M. Paes

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

you can have as many workflows in Alfresco as you want - either by implementing statically different workflows or having a workflow interpret a parameter and automatically skip some of the (non applicable) steps. You have a full Activiti engine at your hands in Alfresco. I know some systems are indeed limited in how many workflows can be associated to a single piece / type of content (I have seen that allow at most one statically associated workflow for a type), but Alfresco / Activiti is not such a system.
