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Forum Posts

company-footer.xsd missing file?

I've just installed Alfresco 3.2.1 community edition for Windows. Everything works well. Just that when going trohugh the getting started with WCM I found that a files is missing; it's not in my local file system.The manual says to use company-footer...

xavi by Champ in-the-making
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Web Search Form

I want to create a global web Search form(Alfreso Webinterface),where a user can search any document in the space by providing meta data details.The user will be navigate to this search form(Alfreso Webinterface) from struts/java/j2ee application.No ...

sksahu by Champ in-the-making
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E-mail Setup

HiCan I setup Alfresco to download e-mails from my mail server? I have an external e-mail server and I would like to be able to pull e-mails into Alfresco.ThanksChris.

kippi by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Mobile

Did anyone succeed in installing and configuring Alfresco Mobile?I did a standard install of community edition 3.2. I can access the mobile page (not from an iPhone though, because we have nokia's ). I can log in as a user.But when I click the sites...

jan by Champ in-the-making
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Come cominciare a costruire un sito web con alfresco

Ciao a tutti,sono Gabriele Tramonti. Costruisco e implemento sito web con diversi cms (jjomla drupal,umbraco). Adesso volevo provare a fare qualcosa con alfresco… Ho instllato il tuto grazie al pacchetto alfresco comunity edition su una macchina con ...

queengab by Champ in-the-making
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Turn on file versioning

I uploaded a full directory to the Alfresco Share via windows explorer under smb, and I am able to fully access from within MS Office (2003). Both server and client are running on Windows XP (I'm just evaluating at this point). One major issue I have...

amejin by Champ in-the-making
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Hola a todos,     Estoy intentando configurar alfresco, extactamente quiero el remitente de correo, he creado una regla de notificacion y el eamil que llega al usuario tiene como remitente, quisiera cambiar esto, pero no se dond...

ypsilon by Champ in-the-making
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Document library tree hangs

Hi all,I have finally managed to get the latest Alfresco (3.2) working on Ubuntu after million and one little tweaks here and there. But now it looks great One final problem though. I copied all our company documents over using CIFS and Windows explo...

ojaro by Champ in-the-making
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CAS e single sign out

Salve.Come scritto nell'altro topic, ho integrato più o meno correttamente alfresco, liferay. ldap e cas.Uno dei problemi al momento insoluti è il seguente.Liferay ha a tutti gli effetti il ruolo di "portale", con alfresco ed altre applicazioni che f...

otakar81 by Champ in-the-making
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Sort using metadata

HiI created a web form and rendering Freemarker template.  In my rendering template i have something like<#assign docs = alf.parseXMLDocuments('tax_relief', '/content/tax relief/source')><#list docs as child>How to sort the docs by its creation time....

creddy2001 by Champ in-the-making
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