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Alfresco Installation using WSL and Ubuntu

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Good day All,
I installed Alfresco using WSL and Ubuntu-24.04 on Windows Server 2022 in the d: drive running the following command: d: wsl --install -d Ubuntu-24.04 and all other commands were run in the Linux environment.

The Alfresco application currently runs on: http://localhost:8080/share/page but client systems cannot view the web application on the server. Can someone assist me with the following:

1. Why can't client systems view the application from the server, does it have anything to do with the Ubuntu Linux installation? This is how they are meant to connect: http:// ${ip address of server}:8080/share/page but it has refused to work.

2. Where does the Linux Ubuntu application sit on the Windows server after installation?
