Apologies about the forums problems; we're aware that new users aren't being given the correct permissions and have someone tracking down the regression. In the meantime I've manually edited your account so you should be good now.
To your main question: no, we don't currently expose any Share features other than files and folders in the mobile apps. It's something that comes up now and again but we're somewhat tied by not having the APIs that we need (whilst CMIS does support Data List retrieval, we don't have the full range of APIs needed to present the correct view/edit forms). The good news is that we have a significant new initiative for 2016 to greatly improve the APIs available to non-Share clients, so I'm hopeful that we'll eventually be able to surface those features in the mobile apps. Until then you'll have to make do with the Share web interface, which I know isn't especially usable on phone devices, but it's not too bad on tablets.