Hello, I want to ask about activiti extensions for task assignment. When I use userTask - activiti:candidateUsers="${initiator.properties.userName}", task is cames to admin, when I use userTask - activiti:candidateGroups="Marketing" or activiti:candidateUsers="iivanov, ssidorov" or activiti:assignee="iivanov" the task doesn't cames to group or users or assigne. No exception in log file. What could be the problem?
When you are using activiti:candidateGroups, you need to add GROUP_ in the beginning of the group name, like GROUP_Marketing. About using, activiti:candidateUsers, you need to pass a collection of string and not just comma separated usernames.
Thanks for your response. I'm added GROUP_ but anything doesn't changing, task not cames to my group of users. Maybe you can show some simple example for my learning? I'm doesn't understood what do you mean when wrote pass a collection of string in activiti:candidateUsers?
Problem was in "mvn integration-test -Pamp-to-war -Dmodule.log.level=debug". Resolved by installing alfresco-community-5.0.d-installer-linux-x64.bin and deploy module workflow-tutorial-repo