03-11-2021 08:35 PM
Using postman i am trying to query candidate group/user tasks.
End Point REST call: http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/api/enterprise/tasks/query
The task is not assigned to user, but the user is one of the candidate groups the task is assigned to.
Using admin credentials and with Json body { "assignment" : "useremail/username"} returns nothing.
What should be json body to get a user tasks .
03-19-2021 11:29 AM
try identityLinks API instead. pass the type as candidate and user as userID.
03-19-2021 12:08 PM
https://activiti.alfresco.com/activiti-app/api-explorer.html#!/tasks/getIdentityLinksUsingGET_2 needs a taskId..
But I don't have taskId to query..
All I have is userId, I need to query for all the tasks that the user(getMyTasks) is eligible to work on.
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