i'm an italian student; i have to do a research on Alfresco features but i can't find if Alfresco User Interface is designed following W3C guide lines for accessibility.
I would also very much like to know the answer to this question. I need to know if the document management environment is W3C compliant for users (not just whether the CMS will produce compliant code for an end website). This is critical to a decision on whether Alfresco will be chosen by the project funder.
So @Alfresco - in the public sector - nonaccessibility is a NoGo in Germany. How much would "we" have to do ourselves, how far do you judge your webclient regarding this topic ?
Are there reference projects regardings things like screen readers, braille support, or other ?
Thanks, this is very important in Europe but also in the US I guess. The European Commission are demanding that we can only use tools for colaboration that are compliant with W3C guidelines so it is absolutely essential. We must demonstrate this or we will be forced to change to another product provider. What is the date for v3?