Hi everyone,I am trying to customize "My Tasks" in order to remove unnecessary fields (status, label) and to put something else to be a main (clickable) title of the task (For 'Send for Review and Approve' workflow it is not practical to use "description" as a title as it might be a long one. I found that the piece of HTML for this component has been generated in the Share webapp: <share web app root>\share\components\workflow\task-list.js file. This .js file is imported in the share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\workflow\task-list.get.html.ftl file. In order to customize this I have created a new jar file with the following folder structure:alfresco\site-data\extensions\my-tasks-customisation.xmlalfresco\site-webscripts\mytasks\customisation\task-list.get.propertiesalfresco\site-webscripts\mytasks\customisation\task-list.get.html.ftl META-INF\components\workflow\task-list-custom.js (which is customised task-list.js to generate slightly different html in the "renderCellTaskInfo: function TL_renderCellTaskInfo(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData)" method).Content of the my-tasks-customisation.xml:
<id>My Tasks Customisation</id>
Content of task-list.get.html.ftl:
<@markup id="my-custom-js" target="js" action="replace" scope="global">
<#– JavaScript Dependencies –>
<@script src="${url.context}/res/components/workflow/workflow-actions.js" group="workflow"/>
<@script src="${url.context}/res/components/workflow/task-list-custom.js" />
task-list.get.properties contains changed labels for some actions.I copied the jar file to WEB-INF/lib and have deployed the module via the Share module deployment admin tool. However, as a result I have the following:The changes defined in the .properties file work as expected - when the module is deployed I see new labels, when it is not deployed I see the OOTB ones. However, for the changes in the task list fields Share always reads it from my customised task-list-custom.js file regardless whether the module is deployed or not (I always see the list of tasks without the fields I have removed).Any ideas?Thanks.