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Alfresco 3.2 r2 to Alfresco 3.3

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi ,
I want to Upgrade my Alfresco 3.2 r2 to Alfresco 3.3. i did that but some of the contents and users are not updated in new stack. DO i missiong some thing? what did is i copied the alf_data file system and took mysql database dump and replicated in the new stack.please help!!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you have previously used any custom content model or any customizations
make sure you apply them to the new upgrade as well. As for eg. if you have
applied any custom aspect to your content and if the aspect is missing, you might experience this.
What do you mean by , are you using LDAP user group synchronization , is that what you mean
missing groups,etc
users are not updated

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you have previously used any custom content model or any customizations
make sure you apply them to the new upgrade as well. As for eg. if you have
applied any custom aspect to your content and if the aspect is missing, you might experience this.
What do you mean by , are you using LDAP user group synchronization , is that what you mean
missing groups,etc
users are not updated

I did not had any custom content model.however the users which i created in my stack i.e im refereing to system users is not correct.What i mean to say the users which there was earlier in the previous stack is not coming as a whole..if 10 users was there only 3 users are getting displayed.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Please confirm that the behaviour persists on 3.4b.  Is it possible to reproduce by starting from a clean 3.2r2 i.e. is it something that Alfresco could reproduce?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hate that this thread died… I'm experiencing the same thing (just the groups, users seem to be all there).  I don't think we've done any model customizations and I've re-applied the couple minor customizations, like enabling folder-view by default.  Not really a customization, just a flag setting.

The groups seem to be in the system, the sites function as expected.  Near as I can tell the only place they don't show up is in the "Groups Management" screen of the admin interface.
