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Alfresco 2.0 - APIs for managing groups and users

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all.

With pleasure I can see that the new version of Alfresco has been released to the community, so I would like to propose again some questions I made some weeks ago, hoping someone (but above all the Alfresco engineers and developers) could give the community some useful scratches to resolve problems about users, groups and roles.

My first question is: what APIs to manage groups (create and delete)?
My second question is: what APIs to associate users to groups?

Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks to all.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The 2.0 Web Services only provide support for user administration (Administration Service).  However, it is our intent to expand the web services to cover all aspects of Alfresco in v2.1.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
So David, what can you suggest me to do in order to resolve the following problems?

1) how to get a list of users belonging to a group;
2) how to get all the groups a user belongs to.

Is is possible to resolve them only using Lucene queries or not?

I would like to explain why I need to know these aspects….

In my project users belong to groups. Each user is able to upload files and each uploaded file should become property of the entire group the user belongs to. So, when a user decides to search for metadata and data against the repository, the Alfresco search engine has to provide the user with both the user's data and all the data uploaded by the group the user belongs to. Definitively, I need to get all the data not for the current logged user, but for the group the user belongs to.

Every suggestion will be appreciated.

I hope you could give me a hand, this is the most diffucult problem at the moment.

All the best,


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There are two APIs you can use:

- Java Foundation API  (AuthorityService)
- JavaScript API

The Web Services do not currently support groups.

I don't believe Lucnene search can support your queries.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Many thanks David!

I am actually investigating the Java Foundation APIs, I do not prefer Javascript!

All the best,
