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Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ciao a tutti,

Sono un nuovo utente e preciso subito che non sono un esperto e che le mie conoscenze in ambito di siti web si concentrano pià che altro sul design del sito… l'implementazione di un cms e la gestione di un server invece non sono affatto il mio forte. Insomma, generalmente io comincio a cms installato Smiley Happy

Ad ogni modo, ho bisogno di testare un po' di CMS enterprise per cui sono qui ad installare Alfresco sul mio PC, fin'ora con scarso successo.

Premetto che sto usando MoWeS Portable per simulare un ambiente server.

Faccio tutta l'installazione ma quando vado ad avviare non succede niente.
Questo è il codice di Tomcat, disseminato di WARN su un errore 500…. qualcuno saprebbe darmi qualche dritta?

Grazie in anticipo!


th: org/alfresco/ in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptdescription.get.desc.xml due to
error: 10280043 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docum
ent path: org/alfresco/scriptdescription.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptdump.get.desc.xml due to error:
10280044 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pat
h: org/alfresco/scriptdump.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptinstall.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 10280045 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: org/alfresco/scriptinstall.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/ due to er
ror: 10280046 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: org/alfresco/ in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/ due to e
rror: 10280047 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: org/alfresco/test/ in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/ due to e
rror: 10280048 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: org/alfresco/test/ in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/ due
to error: 10280049 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test doc
ument path: org/alfresco/test/ in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/exception.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 10280050 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: org/alfresco/test/exception.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/ due to er
ror: 10280051 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: org/alfresco/test/ in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.desc.xml due to
error: 10280052 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docume
nt path: org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/runas.get.desc.xml due to error:
10280053 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pat
h: org/alfresco/test/runas.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/web/messages.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 10280054 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: org/alfresco/web/messages.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
et.desc.xml due to error: 10280055 Failed to read script configuration file ; Un
able to test document path: web-studio/api/content/associations/associations.get
.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset

23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.desc.xml due
to error: 10280056 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test do
cument path: web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.config.xml in remote store: a
lfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.desc.xml due
to error: 10280057 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test doc
ument path: web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.desc.xml d
ue to error: 10280058 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test
document path: web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.config.xml in remote stor
e: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/login/login.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 10280059 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/api/login/login.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/get.get.desc.xml due to error
: 10280060 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/api/model/get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/list.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 10280061 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: web-studio/api/model/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/put.get.desc.xml due to error
: 10280062 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/api/model/put.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
desc.xml due to error: 10280063 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unabl
e to test document path: web-studio/api/page/associations/associations.get.confi
g.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 10280064 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.desc.xml due
to error: 10280065 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test doc
ument path: web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.desc.xml du
e to error: 10280066 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test d
ocument path: web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.config.xml in remote store:
alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.desc.xml due to
error: 10280067 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docume
nt path: web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.desc.xml due to
error: 10280068 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docum
ent path: web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.desc.xml due to
error: 10280069 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docum
ent path: web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/site/create.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 10280070 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/api/site/create.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
te/deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280071 Failed to read script co
nfiguration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/absolut
elayout/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
eletepanel-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280072 Failed to read script configu
ration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/
panel/delete/deletepanel-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280073 Failed to read script confi
guration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayou
t/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
eterow-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280074 Failed to read script configurati
on file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/row/
delete/deleterow-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to err
or: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/incontext/components.get.desc.xml due t
o error: 10280075 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docu
ment path: web-studio/incontext/components.get.config.xml in remote store: alfre
sco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/comptree.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 10280076 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: web-studio/trees/comptree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 10280077 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/navtree.get.desc.xml due to error
: 10280078 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/trees/navtree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 10280079 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 10280080 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280081 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/add/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection r
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280082 Failed to read script configuration file
; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/remove/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connec
tion reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
due to error: 10280083 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test
document path: web-studio/wizards/editregion/wizard.get.config.xml in remote st
ore: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
xml due to error: 10280084 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/add/wizard.get.config.xml in r
emote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 10280085 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
sc.xml due to error: 10280086 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable
to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/delete/wizard.get.config.xm
l in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 10280087 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
t.desc.xml due to error: 10280088 Failed to read script configuration file ; Una
ble to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/add/wizard.get.c
onfig.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280089 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/remove/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection r
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
wizard.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280090 Failed to read script configuration f
ile ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/absolutepos
ition/wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500
Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
d.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280091 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/tablelayout/wiza
rd.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 10280092 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/removecomponent/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 10280093 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/site/config/siteconfig.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
l due to error: 10280094 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to te
st document path: web-studio/wizards/template/add/wizard.get.config.xml in remot
e store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ml due to error: 10280095 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to t
est document path: web-studio/wizards/template/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 10280096 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/delete/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ml due to error: 10280097 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to t
est document path: web-studio/wizards/template/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connection reset
23:08:20,093  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 10280098 Failed to read script configuration file
; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/tablelayoutmanager/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error: 500 Connec
tion reset
23:08:20,187  INFO  [] Successfully Initialized Web Fram
28-nov-2009 23.08.20 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8081
28-nov-2009 23.08.20 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 251680 ms

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Non credo che Alfresco possa girare su questo ambiente, in ogni caso sembrerebbe il container non riuscire ad inizializzare il web framework di Alfresco.
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