03-08-2011 04:51 AM
03-09-2011 03:24 AM
12-14-2011 05:25 PM
05-08-2015 12:08 AM
05-13-2015 08:55 AM
01-24-2017 08:36 AM
Hi, We've been using Derby in "production" for some time. Our use case is a fully contained application with DB baked in, we have experience with Derby and it seems more mature / suitable than H2 (flame suit on). Here's our configuration. We map "Apache Derby" and "derby" to the DB2 schema, then mess with the DB2 specific settings. Not terribly happy with the second part, because it will mess up an actually DB2 install, but our app does not support DB2, so it didn't matter.
Would really love to see official Derby support for Activiti!
SpringProcessEngineConfiguration configuration = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration() {
databaseTypeMappings.put("Apache Derby", DATABASE_TYPE_DB2);
databaseTypeMappings.put("derby", DATABASE_TYPE_DB2);
// Derby helps, override DB2 settings
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseSpecificLimitBeforeStatements.put("db2", "");
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseSpecificLimitAfterStatements.put("db2", "OFFSET #{firstResult} ROWS FETCH NEXT #{maxResults} ROWS ONLY");
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseSpecificLimitBetweenStatements.put("db2", "");
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseOuterJoinLimitBetweenStatements.put("db2", "");
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseSpecificOrderByStatements.put("db2", "");
DbSqlSessionFactory.databaseSpecificLimitBeforeNativeQueryStatements.put("db2", null);
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